Hamilton Capital Partners | Atlanta, GA — Hamilton Capital Partners

M&A Process by ChatGPT

By ChatGPT The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process for a company can be a complex and lengthy process that involves various stages. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in the M&A process: 1. Strategic Planning: The first step is strategic planning, where a company identifies potential target companies that fit its strategic […]

The AI Revolution is Underway

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz Artificial intelligence (AI), Innovation, machine learning, and language models: we certainly have entered a new era of technological advancement and development. Over the past couple of weeks, OpenAI has opened the floodgates into the world of machine learning and AI. Anyone with access to the internet and a pulse has […]

Tesla Stock is Hot

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz Out of all the names in the S&P500, Tesla stands out as the most controversial. The stock has passionate defenders and equally feverish haters. CEO Elon Musk’s bid over Twitter last year only furthered the divide and fueled critical press. Elon’s public showdown with Twitter led political, financial, and retail media outlets […]

Inflation Cooled, Don’t Expect Fed Cuts

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz Today’s headline CPI print, which covers the month of December, shows another third straight month of decline in inflation. Investors are likely to be happy as the deflationary number gives the fed conviction to slow their pace of rate hikes; however, we would caution frontrunning a positive reaction to the […]

2022 In Review

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz On February 2nd, 2022, we wrote the following to our clients: “…we expect continued turbulence as the markets adjust to hawkish monetary policy. In other words, we will keep the “seatbelt sign” on!”. In hindsight, this now seems overly optimistic as we close out a historically brutal year for financial […]

Rushing for the Exits: When Alternatives “Break”!

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz Earlier this month, Blackstone Inc. restricted withdrawals from its private real estate income trust “BREIT”. The curbs came due to a surge in redemptions that hit the fund’s quarterly 5% withdrawal limit. Now, BRIET investors who want all their money back, can’t, and, arguably worse, investors now know that BREIT […]

Light at the End of the Tunnel

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz It’s been a long and difficult year for markets. Investors have had to endure several peak to trough falls, bear rallies, elevated volatility, and high correlation across asset classes. And now, a disappointing growth outlook has spooked analysts into cutting valuations for next year, with CFOs even anticipating negative YoY […]

FTX and Crypto: A House of Cards

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz A preface: Like many, we have been cautiously monitoring and tracking crypto over the last decade. We seem to understand that the underlying technology has the potential to make our world more efficient, but to what extent? How many of you reading this article use your “crypto” to pay for your […]

The Future is LIV, Not PGA

By Kelvin Lee, M. Blake Fortune, II In the world of golf, there has been a rebellion. And, like most rebellions, it’s a strife of ideas between traditional systems and the neoteric revolters. On one hand we have the well-established kingdom of the PGA Tour. Founded in 1929 by the Professional Golf Association of America […]

Fear the VIX

By Kelvin Lee, Alonso Munoz With 2-3% daily swings in markets this past quarter, the word “volatility” seems like an understatement. However, it’s been one the most consistent characterizations of this cycle, with equities, bonds and foreign exchanges seeing abnormal intraday price fluctuations. But investors don’t just see volatility, we measure it quantitatively. You’ve probably […]